Is The Ashtar Command Real? Part 2.

Aug. 21, 1995.

Now we go into the part of the information where Ashtar says he would like to change the image of what people think about him.

Dalphiaana: If you are an interdimensional being and you and Sananda can touch our hearts the way you do, then we're on the same wave-length. Is this correct? Then are we interdimensional beings too?

Ashtar: Definitely! And because we are of the same soul family, we can be very closely in touch. You can also be very closely in touch with those who man the motherships and the star ships that come. You can! There can be telepathic communication between the being who is the commander of some of those ships and yourself. It is very possible!

D: Then could you tell me something? Are many of those ships that are here working with planet Earth under the Ashtar Command? Is there really an Ashtar Command?

A: Of course, darling one, of course there is an Ashtar Command!


A: Dear ones, there are many people who feel I am a stern commander. This is the reason why I have come to you now, for my reputation precedes me, and it is through Cloverleaf and others that I am endeavoring to change that reputation.
I wish to be known as the one who extends his arms and holds the sheep tenderly and with love. You can't imagine a shepherd who is in a commanding position, can you?

D: Well, it was kind of hard to put the whole thing together because of the love that we feel, and yet, your are the commander of the Ashtar Command.

A: This is the fallacy! I am the commander of myself only.

D: What do you mean by the fallacy?

A: Those who live upon the Earth relate the title, "Commander" to the head of a military organization, so therefore, they relate "Commander Ashtar" to he head of an etheric military organization, but this is not so. Commander, in our terms, is one who is in command of themselves. The volunteers who assist do so with love, total love, and --- work along with Sananda, myself, Archangel Lord Michael and others, in whatever way they feels their own mission. There is no "army' as you know it, in the heaven worlds!

D: That makes a lot of sense and I'm glad you said so, because I wonder about that too.

A: You see, the Ashtar Command on the Earth has people, such as you, who are very willingly doing their parts, and I do not feel you think you are working for me...

D: We're working with you!

A: That is the key! It is the TOTAL KEY! All who are volunteers in the Ashtar Command are doing so willingly, and this includes other "commands" from far of galaxies and dimensions. They are beings, in command of themselves, who have chosen to assist the Earth at this time. Sananda, the great commander is the one most involved. This is why he is called the "Great Commander," yet he does so out of voluntary love, just as I do. Because people on the Earth need to identify their understanding through similes, they have given us the names "Commander" which has a very militant tone to it. This has done much damage. It is another situation where the simile was believed to be the truth - and the truth has yet to be free in this regard.

JW I still say he is one of the good guys. Cloverleaf is an organization of people who have come together in Canada to bring out information from the space and spiritual people to this world.

Part 2.

Source Of Information: Ascending Times.

Remember: He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted.

John Winston.

Original file name: 95.08.21 Ashtar Command 2